Terms & Conditions
All the terms and conditions for the store.
Terms and Conditions for Vendors on ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com

1. Introduction
Welcome to ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com. By listing your products on our platform, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions. These are designed to ensure a fair, efficient, and legally compliant marketplace for all parties involved.
2. Vendor Obligations
- Vendors are required to provide accurate business and tax identification information.
- All products listed must meet our quality standards and comply with relevant regulations, especially food safety standards for edible products.
- Vendors must ensure that complete product information and high-quality images are provided for each listing.
- Promotion of shop local southern Utah, 

3. Performance and Monitoring
- ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com reserves the right to review vendor performance regularly. This includes sales metrics and adherence to our platform standards.
- Vendors may be subject to performance targets or evaluations after an initial 6-month period.
4. Financial Terms
- Vendors agree to the commission structure outlined by ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com, which includes a 20-25% commission on the sale price of each item.
- Payment terms will be provided in detail, with monthly settlements of accounts.
5. Termination Policy
- Either party may terminate the agreement with a 90-day written notice.
- Grounds for termination include non-performance, breach of contract, or continuous lack of profitability.
6. Confidentiality and Data Security
- Vendors are expected to maintain the confidentiality of any sensitive information obtained through their partnership with ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com.
- Compliance with data security protocols is mandatory.
7. Legal Compliance
- The vendor relationship is governed by the laws of the state of Utah, USA.
- Dispute resolution will initially be handled in-house, with formal proceedings taking place in Iron County, Utah if necessary.
8. Modifications to Terms
- ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions. Vendors will be notified of any significant changes.
9. Acceptance of Terms
- By using the ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com platform, vendors indicate their acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Vendor Promotion Clause
1. Promotion Commitment
As a valued vendor on ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com, you are required to actively participate in the promotion of your products as well as the ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com platform. This mutual promotion is essential for driving traffic, increasing sales, and building a community of customers.
2. Promotional Activities
Vendors are expected to engage in the following promotional activities:
   - **Social Media Marketing:** Regularly post about your products and ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com on social media platforms. This includes creating posts, reels, or videos that feature your products and include a link to your ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com product page or vendor profile.
   - **Tagging and Hashtags:** Use specific hashtags provided by ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com and tag the platform's social media profiles in your posts.
   - **Offline Promotion:** Distribute promotional materials such as flyers or posters at relevant events or physical locations. These materials can be obtained from ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com.
   - **Cross-Promotion:** Engage in cross-promotion with other vendors or local businesses where appropriate.
3. Brand Alignment
All promotional materials and messages must align with ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com's brand values and messaging guidelines. Vendors should portray the platform positively and professionally.
4. Reporting and Metrics
Vendors may be required to provide reports or metrics on their promotional activities, including reach, engagement, and conversion rates, to ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com periodically.
5. Non-Compliance
Failure to comply with these promotional responsibilities may result in a review of your vendor status on the platform and could lead to suspension or termination of the vendor agreement.
6. Support and Resources
ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com will provide support and resources to assist vendors in their promotional efforts, including marketing tips, graphic assets, and potential co-marketing opportunities.
### Vendor Agreement Clauses for ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com
Intellectual Property Rights Clause
- **Ownership:** All intellectual property rights pertaining to products, branding, and content shall remain with the respective owner.
- **Usage:** ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com is granted the right to use vendor IP for promotion and sales on the platform, adhering to brand guidelines provided by vendors.
Quality Control and Product Standards Clause
- **Standards:** Vendors must ensure that all products meet the established quality standards and regulations of ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com.
- **Quality Review:** ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com reserves the right to conduct periodic quality reviews and remove products that do not comply.
Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Clause
- **Confidential Information:** Both parties agree to keep business-sensitive information confidential, not using or disclosing it except as necessary for the performance of the agreement.
- **Duration:** This confidentiality obligation will survive the termination of the agreement.
Liability and Indemnification Clause
- **Liability:** Vendors are responsible for any legal claims arising from their products or IP.
- **Indemnification:** Vendors agree to indemnify ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com against any losses due to product liability, IP infringement, or other legal claims.
Payment and Fee Structure Clause
- **Commission:** ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com charges a 25% commission on each sale or a 20% commission plus a fixed $10 fee.
- **Payment Process:** Payments to vendors will be processed monthly, post deductions of applicable commissions and fees.
Data Protection and Privacy Clause
- **Data Handling:** Both parties agree to adhere to applicable data protection laws in handling customer and vendor data.
- **Privacy:** ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com will maintain the privacy of vendor and customer information, not using it for any unauthorized purposes.
Dispute Resolution and Governing Law Clause
- **Resolution:** Any disputes arising under this agreement will first be attempted to be resolved through in-house mediation.
- **Governing Law:** This agreement is governed by the laws of the state of Utah, USA.
Termination and Exit Strategy Clause
- **Termination:** Either party may terminate the agreement with a 90-day notice.
- **Exit Process:** Upon termination, all financial settlements will be made, and the vendor will cease the use of any ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com resources.
Amendments and Modifications Clause
- **Changes:** Amendments to this agreement must be made in writing and agreed upon by both parties.
Force Majeure Clause
- **Non-Liability:** Neither party shall be liable for failure to perform obligations if caused by an unavoidable and unforeseeable event beyond their control.
Compliance with Laws Clause
- **Legal Compliance:** Vendors are required to comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the conduct of their business.
Product Recall Clause
- **Procedure:** In the event of a product recall, vendors must follow the agreed-upon recall procedures, including customer notifications and bearing associated costs.
Additional Services Clause
- **Photography and Collection Build-Out Service:** Vendors have the option to use ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com’s services for product photography and collection build-out for a fee, or they may seek assistance from the Cedar Business Innovation Center.

Certainly! Here's an additional clause for the vendor agreement that addresses the Print on Demand (PoD) service for artists on ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com, outlining the royalty structure based on sales volume:
Print on Demand Services and Royalty Clause
- **Service Overview:** ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com offers a Print on Demand service, enabling artists to sell their artwork through our platform. This service allows for the reproduction and sale of artists' works on various products as per demand.
- **Royalty Structure:**
  - Artists will receive royalties on the profits generated from the sale of their artwork through the PoD service.
  - The royalty rate will range from 5% to 16% of the profits, depending on the sales volume of the artist's products.
  - The specific royalty rate within this range will be determined based on the following sales volume tiers:
     - **Tier 1:** Up to [specify number] sales per month – 5% royalty
     - **Tier 2:** [specify number] to [specify number] sales per month – [specify higher percentage] royalty
     - **Tier 3:** More than [specify number] sales per month – 16% royalty
  - Royalties will be calculated monthly and paid out according to the regular payment schedule of ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com.
- **Artwork Rights and Usage:**
  - Artists retain ownership of their original artwork.
  - By participating in the PoD service, artists grant ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com the right to reproduce and sell their artwork on specified merchandise. This right is non-exclusive and revocable.
- **Quality and Representation:**
  - ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com is committed to accurately representing and maintaining the quality of the artwork in its reproduced form.
  - Artists must provide high-resolution, quality images of their artwork for use in the PoD service.
- **Termination of Participation:**
  - Artists can choose to withdraw their artwork from the PoD service at any time, with a [specify period, e.g., 30-day] notice period.
  - Upon termination, ShopLocalSouthernUtah.com will cease the production and sale of products featuring the artist's work, and all unsold inventory will be handled as per the agreement.